EVC15 Living Streets (Saesneg yn unig)

Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament

Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith | Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee

Gwefru cerbydau trydan | Electric vehicle charging

Ymateb gan Living Streets | Evidence from Living Streets


Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 4: Safonau ansawdd Cymru?

Living Streets' views are limited to the on street placement of EV charging infrastructure. If EV charging points are to be installed they should be located off-street, for example in car parks at leisure centres, community facilities, shopping centres, train stations, or housing estates.

If this is not possible, charging points should be located on the road in well-designed build-outs. These build-outs are an opportunity to install a parklet, an exciting way to replace a parking space with a charging point, urban greening, cycle stands and seating. In inner city locations, off-street EV charging could be provided via car clubs to reduce car ownership, reduce on-street parking and facilitate active travel.

A degree of local authority oversight is needed to deliver these changes in an inclusive manner. We would be very concerned if, for example, Permitted Development Rights were extended in terms of unleashing unprecedented levels of street clutter and worse conditions for pedestrians.

The Wales Active Travel Guidance (section 9.6.2) sets out the minimum footway width for 'If there is an obstacle that cannot be moved a restricted width of 1.2m provides space for a blind or partially sighted person to walk using a long cane, or with a guide dog, or alongside a person providing guidance.